(Webinar) Question-answering on internal documents (RAG)

We are pleased to share the recording of our webinar we held on April 4, 2024. https://youtu.be/OWlpMxB0cK0 Use case: Exploiting the Enron e-mail corpus During this product update webinar we show firstly the perspective of an end-user using the Enron e-mail corpus as an example:👉 Ask a question or select from pre-configured questions (convenient for … Continue reading (Webinar) Question-answering on internal documents (RAG)

NLP Support for Corporate Innovation Management Processes

Kairntech and "Smart Innovation" Managing the processes that enable, organise and foster innovation in organisations often involves among other things analysing large amounts of text based-information: Publications, news, websites. Evidently this is another use case where Kairntech can contribute and therefore experts at University of Stuttgart, the Fraunhofer institute IAO and TecIntelli are using Kairntech … Continue reading NLP Support for Corporate Innovation Management Processes

From Hugging Face Transformers to NLP-Powered Applications

Transformers: the new trend in Artificial Intelligence and NLP Recent progress in NLP (Natural Language Processing) technologies highlights its strong potential for business transformation. While the domain used to be dominated by big players such as Google or Microsoft, smaller organizations are now going mainstream with the collaborative, open source approaches such as Explosion.ai (Spacy) … Continue reading From Hugging Face Transformers to NLP-Powered Applications

Let Kairntech support you in your vocabulary maintenance efforts

We have recently shown you how Kairntech can be used to automate parts of the efforts in vocabulary maintenance: Finding new candidate terms for the update and extension of your vocabularies. We have turned that into a video (5min) that explains the process and shows you how to do this using the software. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Cqzl67Fms

Finding new needles in content haystacks: Vocabulary maintenance with AI!

Introduction Structured vocabularies (thesauri, taxonomies...) play an important role in many applications where complex, large and volatile information needs to be organized and made accessible. A fine example is the famous MeSH thesaurus that facilitates search and access on Medical topics. Enriching scientific content with MeSH terms allows to guarantee that content on a specific … Continue reading Finding new needles in content haystacks: Vocabulary maintenance with AI!

Make the long road to augmented applications shorter by “do-it-yourself NLP”

Introduction Natural language processing (NLP) techniques have made tremendous progress during the last couple of years, thanks notably to algorithms such as Neural Networks which have surpassed traditional approaches using rule-based systems. Examples include Machine Translation (DeepL, Google Translate
) or Speech To Text (Siri
). Information extraction, Text classification, Automatic summarization, Q&A Subcategories of NLP like … Continue reading Make the long road to augmented applications shorter by “do-it-yourself NLP”

Extracting Numbers from Text

Introduction Named Entity Recognition relates to the extraction of sequences of words from within a document. The technique is mostly used to extract names of people, organisations or places, which are therefore the most typical named entities. However, the term named entity recognition does not capture very well the importance of a fragment of text, … Continue reading Extracting Numbers from Text

Make the Voice of the Customer a Top Priority!

Direct customer feedback In a highly competitive environment, knowing customer complaints and expectations has become a major challenge for all companies. Direct customer feedback has become an increasingly important contributor since the emergence of the Internet. Whether it be results from a speech recording converted into text, a comment from a marketing survey, an incoming … Continue reading Make the Voice of the Customer a Top Priority!

Kairntech & Scaleway Webinar: Thursday, Dec 17, 2020 @ 5:30pm

Data Annotation & Active Learning We all heard that "data is the new oil". However, just like its petroleum predecessor, data is of no use until it is processed. One processing step that is often required for unstructured data (e.g. text, images, audio and video files) is data annotation. This is done manually, can require … Continue reading Kairntech & Scaleway Webinar: Thursday, Dec 17, 2020 @ 5:30pm