We are proud to announce that Kairntech wins a European Defense Fund (EDF) project. This call for projects received in total €1,031 million of EU funding. Kairntech is a leading technology provider of the NEMO consortium which is led by Sintef AS (Norway). Over the course of this 5-year project NEMO will develop a state-of-the-art … Continue reading Kairntech wins European Defense Fund project
Tag: Active learning
Active learning is a special category of machine learning. A learning algorithm interactively queries a human user (or other information source) to label new data points with the desired outputs.
This process is also called human-in-the-loop.
Detailed documentation is available for Named entity recognition and Categorization.
Kairntech Studio combines a range of active learning strategies. A customizable suggester engine creates text labels automatically after labelling a few documents. These labels can be validated quickly and easily with filters, sampling techniques, ordering or hiding-showing of context.
The combination of learning technologies and the ease of use of the graphical user interface creates the business value.
Moreover, Large Language Models may speed up the initial labelling process.
Why natural language processing (NLP) platforms save over 80% of your time Impressive recent progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, for a large majority coming from the open sourced community, do not necessarily go hand in hand with delivering business value for domain experts. ROI of NLP platforms are judged by the requirement to … Continue reading ROI of NLP platforms
Classify unstructured document collections Assigning documents to categories is a key step in bringing structure to larger document collections. Users can narrow their study of a search result to a particularly relevant topic or forward subsets of documents to colleagues with a respective interests. Kairntech has offered text classification since the beginning. However, document categorization … Continue reading Text classification and categorization
Data Annotation & Active Learning We all heard that "data is the new oil". However, just like its petroleum predecessor, data is of no use until it is processed. One processing step that is often required for unstructured data (e.g. text, images, audio and video files) is data annotation. This is done manually, can require … Continue reading Kairntech & Scaleway Webinar: Thursday, Dec 17, 2020 @ 5:30pm