ROI of Natural Language Processing platforms

Why NLP platforms save over 80% of your time Impressive recent progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, for a large majority coming from the open sourced community, do not necessarily go hand in hand with delivering business value for domain experts; which can be summarized by the requirement to obtain automatically actionable information from … Continue reading ROI of Natural Language Processing platforms

Artificial Intelligence for Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Introduction The emergence of start-ups in the world's economies and the massive arrival of investment funds have shaken up the business world since the 2000s, posing the challenge of information in an acute way. In this prolific and fast-moving world, the personal network and manual databases are no longer enough: new technologies, in particular artificial … Continue reading Artificial Intelligence for Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Random checks are dead, long live exhaustivity

AI no-code NLP platforms change the paradigm In many professions controls are carried out on a random basis. It is a generally accepted practice that an auditor reviewing agreements or an analyst screening litterature proceeds with random checks simply because it is humanly impossible and much too costly to process each individual document. At the … Continue reading Random checks are dead, long live exhaustivity

Make the Voice of the Customer a Top Priority!

Direct customer feedback In a highly competitive environment, knowing customer complaints and expectations has become a major challenge for all companies. Direct customer feedback has become an increasingly important contributor since the emergence of the Internet. Whether it be results from a speech recording converted into text, a comment from a marketing survey, an incoming … Continue reading Make the Voice of the Customer a Top Priority!