Start annotating manually. At least 5 or 10 annotations per label.
The system will observe what is happening and after a while start to train a first model using your annotation so far in order to calculate “suggestions”.
You may want to continue even after the first appearance of the blue “pop up“ announces that suggestions have been computed (see What is a suggestion?).
After a decent amount of annotations (at least 10 for the simplest scenario):
- Go to the Suggestions view
- The suggested category is presented in dotted line.
- Validate the suggested category by clicking on the chips or select the good one in the label list (manual annotation).

- Once the category has been accepted or corrected, you have to validate the document to enrich your dataset with this new document.
- Once the document validated, the system will propose you a new document with suggestion.

- You can filter (on the left) the list of suggestions on the labels you want to work on in particular!

- Sort suggestions according to their confidence level score.

- While browsing the suggestions and accepting / refusing them you will normally be able to proceed much quicker (generate more good examples & counter examples) than if you were to continue manually.
Let’s move on to the next step: