For Text classification project
Entity detection project
An entity can be thought of as a piece of text of a specific type (Label): person names, locations, substances or organisms are labels…
In the Documents view:
- Click on the + label
- Enter a name of the new label
- Click enter
- Note that you can change the color if necessary in the labels menu only

In the Labels view:
- Enter a name of the new label
- You can change the color if necessary
- Click enter

Text classification project
By contrast, document categories are properties of the whole document such as whether a press article belongs to sport, culture or economy or whether a client feedback is rather positive or negative.
In the Documents view:
- Click on the + label
- Enter a name of the new label
- Click enter
- Note that you can change the color if necessary in the labels menu only

In the Labels view:
- Enter a name of the new label
- You can change the color if necessary
- Click enter

It is also possible to configure project with single (exclusive) or multiple categories.

Let’s move on to the next step: