How to upload scientific articles in PDF?

If you are not fully satisfied with the default converter (Tika), you can create your own converter to import your document. If you have just created a project, do not import any document and configure your converter first, as below.

  • Go to Processing view
  • Create a new converter
  • Give a name to your converter
  • Click on “Create from default configuration”
  • Select the “Grobid (scientific articles PDF)” converter
  • Configure the converter on the right side and don’t forget to save
  • Activate converter
  • Go to the project main menu to import documents,
  • You can now successfully select your scientific literature in PDF format and import them in your project.
  • Upload your files
  • Go to the document view to see the imported documents. The conversion will be of much higher quality than using a standard PDF document converter like Tika (default converter).