How to import or export models?

You can export a model trained on one machine and import it into another instance (it may need to be ensured first the the versions of the exporting and importing Kairntech instances are compatible).

In order to export an existing model:

  • Go to the Model Experiments view of your project
  • Click on the options of your model (three vertical dots), then press “download model”:
  • An “.sma” file is downloaded to the “download” folder of your local machine.
  • You can also download a set of models making them as “favorite” as below.

  • In order to import a model into another project, click on “load models” menu in the upper right corner.
  • Select the previously downloaded “.sma” file on your disk and import it into your project.

Once the models have been uploaded, you can give a try in the test page or use them in a pipeline.