Semantic fingerprints for IPTC classification

Information providers need to add value to the content they are producing. But tagging and classifying content to enrich internal knowledge bases is tedious, time consuming and error prone. Yet these knowledge bases are the cornerstone of value-added services. The patent-pending semantic fingerprints for IPTC classification from Kairntech provides a smart solution for multilingual text … Continue reading Semantic fingerprints for IPTC classification

World Knowledge at your Fingertips: Using and Customizing Kairntech’s Entity Extraction 

Introduction The Kairntech software comes with a built-in entity extraction component that users can add to their projects with just a few mouse clicks. It offers a powerful additional option to analyse and annotate text content using existing world knowledge: The component gives you access to tens of millions of concepts in several languages and … Continue reading World Knowledge at your Fingertips: Using and Customizing Kairntech’s Entity Extraction 

Named Entity Recognition with Wikidata: always up to date!

Natural language processing and named entity recognition with wikidata knowledge The broad success of quantitative methods such as deep learning in NLP sometimes risks to downplay the importance of explicit, symbolic knowledge required for many NLP tasks. Good named entity recognition (NER) for instance not only needs to recognize the entities (where learning based methods … Continue reading Named Entity Recognition with Wikidata: always up to date!